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Hi, I'm Amanda

"There's always a glimmer in those who have been through the dark" -Atticus

Raised in the peachy little town of Peachtree City, Georgia, this city girl grew up with big dreams, dreams of becoming a country girl. As you can see, I don't miss a chance to pose for a photo when there's great lighting and an even better photographer behind the camera. This picture was taken the day of my wedding by my incredibly talented step-sister, Sarah B. Sasson. This picture captures the real me, and I also must share that's La Croix in my glass, but the Dollar Store find was just too cute not to use. Dreams do come true, and I now live in Marshville, NC with my husband, son, pup, and full hen house. I have a deep love for people, their story, the underdog, and all things sentimental. You can find me in my element- jamming out to K-Love, Diet Dr. Pepper in hand, and sporting a messy bun. My mom always told me to put good people in your corner, and I’m here for that. Whether that means sharing real life stories with you, a piece of encouragement, or just something super awesome that you might like from Amazon, I'm here for it. I'm an open book, and I can't wait to share my story with you. Cheers, 

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